
This report concludes a project about workplace surveillance in Poland and Germany with a particular focus on monitoring in call centres. In order to understand normalisation of surveillance technologies at work, we studied how this process is affected by legal norms, political discourse and attitudes of the call centre employees in both countries.

Stephen Ragan works at the intersection of technology, law, and society advocating for a humanist approach to technological regulation while exploring the ethics of emerging technologies. He holds a DoctorRead More

Future Research Agenda The Centre for Internet & Human Rights has been going through a transition period at the beginning of 2019. CIHR Director Joanna Bronowicka has stepped down fromRead More


Policy Analysis Intern This opportunity is open for students seeking to gain experience in the area of public policy analysis, especially in the area of artificial intelligence and inclusion, ethicsRead More

Communications Intern This opportunity is open for students seeking to gain experience in the area of communications. The minimum duration of an internship is one month, starting date is negotiable. TheRead More

Researcher in Social Sciences – Digital Workforce Deadline for applications was extended until October 23, 2017 Please submit your application documents as a PDF and include the vacancy number Kenn-Nummer 1100-17-03 byRead More

Student Assistant (20h/week) We are looking to hire a student assistant starting on September 1, 2017. Please note that this position is open only to students currently enrolled at theRead More