Kave Salamatian, PhD, is a professor of computer science at University of Savoie and Fellow at the Centre for Internet & Human Rights (CIHR). His main areas of researches are Internet measurement, modelling and networking information theory. He was previously reader at Lancaster University, UK and associate professor at University Pierre et Marie Curie. Kavé has graduated with a Phd in Computer Science in 1998 from Paris SUD-Orsay university, where he worked on joint source channel coding applied to multimedia transmission over Internet
In a former life, he graduated with a MBA, and worked on market floor as a risk analyst and on enjoyed being an urban traffic modeler for some years. In particular, he is interested in cyber strategy and explaining that guaranteeing freedom of speech and equal access to network is not only a human right obligation by is also the wisest strategic decision that a government can take in Internet domain.